Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that has penetrated and gets the blood cells have spread to other parts of the body organs, as the early stages of the aid of x-ray is very helpful to be able to know the state of the chest cavity to allow for further handling. If you still are not severe can be done by way of preventive surgery to take the liquid stick to the membrane potential to cause tumors.
Chemotherapy is a way to inhibit the growth of the virus, this will help extend the life of patients because up until now has not been found for certain drugs to stop the movement of the cancer virus is very dangerous for the human body. If you've already had cancer do not pessimistic, God will always help you if you try to stay away from foods that contain elements of life, to learn that being a vegetarian is the most noble way for people with cancer. Work as usual and keep the spirit and bring happiness to people around you, may God will cure the disease that you suffer.